As a New Years resolution (I know, you have all heard this before...) I am going to try something completely different. Rather than only posting back dated news from our adventures, I am going to bring you up to date with stories from the Argument archives, while simultaneously keeping our latest and greatest up front and center. Crazy, I know.
To start off the year in the right direction, Peter's parents from Canada have joined us here in the Middle East for a second Christmas in Oman. While the weather in Canada remains cold and blustery, here in Oman we have been blessed with gorgeous sunny sky's and 25 degree weather. A terrific way to break up the monotony of snow if any of you are every feeling so inclined!!! Yes, that was a not-so-subtle request for visitors ;+)
Now that the lull of Christmas has passed and everyone has settled back into a somewhat relaxed routine, the quandary of what to do for New Years Eve was upon us once again. We had several options on the table, from the formal "Winter Ball" at the club to dinner and shaking our booties at a pub with a great band reminiscent of New Year's spent as a university student. Although these would have been fun, neither option allowed us to include the kids in our celebrations so we decided to settle on the best of both worlds.
An enjoyable BBQ to celebrate our Alberta heritage spent at home with the family was followed by the application of bug spray as around 21:00 we loaded the cars up with camp chairs, marshmallows, roasting sticks (brought from Canada as unfortunately Jet Puffs are apparently on the banned substances list here in Oman), and champagne from Peter's birthday party, to meet up with some friends and their families in the wadi behind Rosie & Mike's place down in Nappy Valley.
A demain...
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